​I'm stumped. I’ve thought long and hard as to how to get “marketable” data from “technical” data and this is what I’ve come up with:

VAR @prod1
IF IndexOf("%%=ContentAreaByName('My Contents\PID')=%%","1") > 0 THEN
    SET @prod1 = 'success'
    SET @prod1 = 'fail'

I thought this would work and it does. However, after investigating this, I realized the IndexOf function was not referencing the information in the ContentAreaByName piece but rather the words *%%=ContentAreaByName('My Contents\PID')=%%*

E.g., if you would reference “PID” (instead of “1”) it would return the VAR success.

Does anyone know how I can get the IndexOf function to actually query the ContentAreaByName function before producing an output?

1 Answer 1


The %%==%% syntax is only allowed outside the AMPScript block -- %%[]%%.

I'd do it like this:


VAR @prod1, @ca
set @ca = ContentAreaByName('My Contents\PID')

IF IndexOf(@ca,"1") > 0 THEN
  SET @prod1 = 'success'
  SET @prod1 = 'fail'


<br>prod1: %%=v(@prod1)=%%
  • Thanks Adam! This worked. Thank you for taking the time to review my question, and reply with an answer that was understandable and correct. May 8, 2016 at 7:26

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