enter code here
<apex:page standardController="fleet_Car_Set__c" showHeader="true">
<object style="height : 1200px;width : 1300px;overflow:hidden;">
<form id="frm" action="http://XXX/?username=ZZZ_UserName&password=PWD&retUrl={/apex/response}" method="POST">
// <input type="hidden" id="username" value="ZZZ_UserName"/> //Tis input tag not working, so directly passed Username and password in action only.
// <input type="hidden" id="password" value="PWD"/>
// <input type="Json" id="JSON" value="('{!fleet_Car_Set__c.JSON_String__c}')"/>---
alert("Inside Script");
alert('{!Fleet_Car_Set__c.JSON_String__c}');//---Here we are getting full JSON data, need to post this JSON to External System(http://XXX/).
I need to Post JSON data to external System, above is my code I tried, but no luck. Please help me to achive this.