If I choose Picklist Field name is

Rating_Score_c (1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9) then in another field Rating_Grade_c show the grade A,B,C. ie., means

when i choose/pick any number (1,2,3) then it shows "A" in "Rating_Grade_c",

when i choose/pick any number (4,5,6) then it shows "B" in "Rating_Grade_c".

when i choose/pick any number (7,8,9) then it shows "C" in "Rating_Grade_c".


1 Answer 1

  • Go to your custom object. Click on Field Dependancies on **Custom.
  • Fields & Relationships** section. Click New Choose **Controlling
  • Field** and Dependent Field as you need. i.e.Rating_Score_c is controlling and Rating_Grade_c is dependent.
  • After all in Edit Field Dependancy view set whatever values you needed on each controlling field selection.

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