I have created a custom list using inner classes, this list is called "openPresentations". This list looks like this when I do json.serialize
[{"name": "First Name","id": "a09N0000002R0oeIAC"},
{"name": "Second Name","id": "a09N0000002R0p4IAC"},
{"name": "Third Name","id": "a09N0000002R0dpIAC"},
{"name": "Fourth Name","id": "a09N0000003LxoEIAS"}]
I am trying to add this list into a dropdown in a VF page, with the main purpose of displaying the name in the dropdown and when it is submitted I want to grab the id.
I have unsuccessfully tried something like:
<apex:selectList size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!openPresentations}" />
but i am keep getting and error "Invalid selectOptions found. Use SelectOption type in Apex. " and if I change to SelectOption i get exactly the same error.