Trying to add a style overflow: hidden
to the body element of a component from the controller in v40.0
I have been unsuccessful with anything other than: = 'hidden'
Is there a "lightning" way to do this?
I have tried all variations of component.get / find with and without getElement and with an without {!v.body}
in the markup and I cannot seem to find the correct combination to do it other than the document.body
Ok. Let me add a completely reproducible example
VF Page
<apex:page id="myTestPage" showHeader="false" sideBar="false" standardStylesheets="false">
<apex:slds />
$Lightning.use("c:myTestApp", function () {
function (cmp) {
var loadingDivElt = document.getElementById("loader"); = 'none';
<div class="slds-scoped">
<div id="loader" class="slds-grid slds-grid--frame">
<div class="slds-spinner_container">
<div class="slds-spinner slds-spinner--brand slds-spinner--large" role="alert">
<span class="slds-assistive-text">Loading</span>
<div class="slds-spinner__dot-a"></div>
<div class="slds-spinner__dot-b"></div>
<div id="component_content">
Lightning App
<aura:application description="myTestApp" extends="ltng:outApp">
<aura:dependency resource="c:myTestComp"/>
Lightning Component
<aura:component description="myTestComp">
<div class="slds-grid slds-grid_frame" style="height: 3000px">
<div class="slds-grid">
<div class="slds-size_1-of-1">
<lightning:button label="Show modal (Body still scrolls)" onclick="{!c.showSupportModalNoWork}" variant="brand"/>
<lightning:button label="Show modal (Body does not scrolls)" onclick="{!c.showSupportModal}" variant="brand"/>
<!-- Support Case Modal -->
<div class="submit-case">
<section aura:id="submit-case-modal" role="dialog" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="submit-case-heading-01"
aria-describedby="submit-case-content-id-1" class="slds-modal">
<div class="slds-modal__container">
<header class="slds-modal__header">
<button class="slds-button slds-button_icon slds-modal__close slds-button_icon-inverse"
<lightning:icon iconName="utility:close" variant="bare" size="medium"/>
<h2 id="submit-case-heading-01" class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-hyphenate">
<div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around_medium" id="submit-case-content-id-1">
Some text
<footer class="slds-modal__footer">
<button class="slds-button slds-button_neutral" onclick="{!c.hideSupportModal}">Cancel</button>
<button class="slds-button slds-button_brand">Send</button>
<div aura:id="modal-background" class="slds-backdrop"></div>
Component CSS (Even though class is never applied)
.THIS.myClass, .THIS .myClass, .THIS body.myClass {
overflow: hidden;
Lightning Controller
showSupportModalNoWork: function(component,event,helper){
$A.util.addClass(component.find("body"),"myClass"); //Inspect the DOM and you will see that the body does not have the class applied
$A.util.addClass(document.body,'myClass'); //Inspect the DOM and you will see that the body does not have the class applied
showSupportModal: function(component,event,helper){ = 'hidden';
hideSupportModal: function(component,event,helper){ = null;
I have tried adding the <body>
tag and the {!v.body}
and several variation of component.[find | get]
and the css never gets applied to the body, with and without getElement()
which throws an error
The only way I could get it to work is by using document.body
and it does not feel right and was curious if there is a way to do it using lightning methods or whatever.
Note: I did not apply the style here
and.THIS body
to no avail. Also cannot get A.util.addClass to work with body and actually add the class.component.get("[v.body | body]
does not add the class to body and getElement always throws an error