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Try this:

// Omitted first 8 lines
Map<Id, Case> newCases = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Product__r.Name FROM Case WHERE Id IN :Trigger.NEW]);
for(Integer i =0; i< Trigger.size; i++){

        Boolean condition =[i].IsClosed;
        condition = condition &&(newCases.get([i].Id).Product__r.Name == 'PropelSEARCH''TEST_PRODUCT'); // Id 01td0000000yFguAAE is for PropelSEARCHTEST_PRODUCT product
        condition = condition && (Trigger.old[i].Campaign_End_Date__c !=[i].Campaign_End_Date__c);
// The rest of your trigger code

and the product that you create for your test should be:

Product2 testProduct = new Product2(Name = 'PropelSEARCH''TEST_PRODUCT');
insert testProduct;
Case testCase = new Case(Product__c = testProduct.Id);

Try this:

// Omitted first 8 lines
Map<Id, Case> newCases = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Product__r.Name FROM Case WHERE Id IN :Trigger.NEW]);
for(Integer i =0; i< Trigger.size; i++){

        Boolean condition =[i].IsClosed;
        condition = condition &&(newCases.get([i].Id).Product__r.Name == 'PropelSEARCH'); // Id 01td0000000yFguAAE is for PropelSEARCH product
        condition = condition && (Trigger.old[i].Campaign_End_Date__c !=[i].Campaign_End_Date__c);
// The rest of your trigger code

and the product that you create for your test should be:

Product2 testProduct = new Product2(Name = 'PropelSEARCH');
insert testProduct;
Case testCase = new Case(Product__c = testProduct.Id);

Try this:

// Omitted first 8 lines
Map<Id, Case> newCases = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Product__r.Name FROM Case WHERE Id IN :Trigger.NEW]);
for(Integer i =0; i< Trigger.size; i++){

        Boolean condition =[i].IsClosed;
        condition = condition &&(newCases.get([i].Id).Product__r.Name == 'TEST_PRODUCT'); // Id 01td0000000yFguAAE is for TEST_PRODUCT product
        condition = condition && (Trigger.old[i].Campaign_End_Date__c !=[i].Campaign_End_Date__c);
// The rest of your trigger code

and the product that you create for your test should be:

Product2 testProduct = new Product2(Name = 'TEST_PRODUCT');
insert testProduct;
Case testCase = new Case(Product__c = testProduct.Id);
Source Link
  • 941
  • 7
  • 15

Try this:

// Omitted first 8 lines
Map<Id, Case> newCases = new Map<Id, Case>([SELECT Product__r.Name FROM Case WHERE Id IN :Trigger.NEW]);
for(Integer i =0; i< Trigger.size; i++){

        Boolean condition =[i].IsClosed;
        condition = condition &&(newCases.get([i].Id).Product__r.Name == 'PropelSEARCH'); // Id 01td0000000yFguAAE is for PropelSEARCH product
        condition = condition && (Trigger.old[i].Campaign_End_Date__c !=[i].Campaign_End_Date__c);
// The rest of your trigger code

and the product that you create for your test should be:

Product2 testProduct = new Product2(Name = 'PropelSEARCH');
insert testProduct;
Case testCase = new Case(Product__c = testProduct.Id);