I have a visualforce page that returns a list of Contacts and Leads, I want a column with the name of the ContactContact
or the LeadLead
whatever is in the list,I have a formula field(IsContact__c) IsContact__c
that returns true if the campaign member is a contactContact
and false if it is a Lead,thisLead
. Here is the piece of codemarkup:
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!Members}" var="c">
<apex:column value="{!IF(c.IsContact__c,c.Contact.Name,c.Lead.Name)}"/>
When I run it, it gives me this error message:
Syntax error. Missing ')' Error is in expression '{!IF(c.IsContact__c,c.Contact.Name,c.Lead}' in component apex:pageBlockTable in page addmemberpage