You have somehow embed the binary data into the field. Here's one way:
trigger Update_image on FeedItem (after insert) {
id Travelid ;
blob img; // Just binary data, thanks!
List<Object__c> lst = new List<Object__c>();
For(FeedItem f :{
Travelid = f.parentid;
img = f.ContentData;
for(Object__c i :[select id,image__c from Object__c where id=: travelid]){
i.image__c = '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,'+EncodingUtil.base64Encode(img)+'"></img>';
update lst ;
Note that I've only copied/pasted your code (you may still have other issues here), but the idea is that you have to build an img
tag yourself. You're limited to 64k of content
So I just tried it, so you might also look into uploading images intoand salesforce automatically converts the image into a rtaImage servlet, although I haven't found any decent documentation on that (someone please feel freefile after saving. You can query the data back to add a link)see the changed image source. It'd be nice if this was clearly documented somewhere.