I am currently evaluating Jitterbit 8.1 (Full version, 30 day eval).
In need to query SFDC for 4 custom field values from Opportunity records where Stage pickval ="...".
Each record must be POSTed as a single SOAP request to a 3rd party Web Service.
Cannot send more than 1 record to the 3rd party Web Service
Also, the web service requires the XML request to follow a DTD, governed by MISMO (an obscure mortgaging standard).
A Response (also governed by another DTD) from the 3rd party WS needs to be parsed for 20 or so values. One or more records might be returned. I need those 20+ items inserted into a custom SFDC object, where I will use custom code to enrich any matching Opportunity records.
Jitterbit (Full) is capable of querying SFDC records, but it defaults to sending multiple (all queried) within the Request file.
Although there is a chunking/record-limiting option at the operation level, (which should be configurable to send 1 record per file), it is grayed out for my SFDC query operation.
Was thinking that I could either send a Workflow triggered Outbound message to Jitterbit, or have an after-insert trigger do it for me (sounds better everytime I think about it).
How is the Listener created in Jitterbit?
Thanks in advance for any helpful tips.