Jason, Uwe, Shannon, Rao
Thanks a lot for your replies and time. Instead of going URL hack or publisher action route, I creaded a controller and VF page. That way I could address two additional requirements.
- Display clickable URL links at the time of record creation and
- Display the customized VF Page for one (out of four) different record types, while renderring system provided page for other three record types
Here is my code
<apex:page standardController="" extensions="ctrlExt">
if({!redirect}) window.top.location.href='/a03/e?RecordType={!CustomObject.recordtypeid}&nooverride=1'<apex:form >
... Custom VF Code for the record type ...
and here is the controller
public class ctrlExt {
customObj__c c;
public ctrlExt(ApexPages.StandardController ctrl) {
c = (customObject__c) ctrl.getRecord();
public Boolean getRedirect() {
RecordType rt = [<Query to get record type from RecordType table>];
if (<Intended Record Type Name>.equals(rt.name))
return false;
return true;
Here is the link I found useful while writing this code
https://developer.salesforce.com/forums?id=906F000000094WRIAY One last note: when I tried to set default value for the address using Opportunity__r, I got error saying Opportunity__r does not exist.
Thanks again for your support, Shridhar