I have a custom object as " gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c " it has a look up relation with "product" object and api name is give as "gmod__Product__c".
1)Im querying on "gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c " object to retrive the related records ,but it displays all the records on gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c in Visual force page.
list<gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c> opflist = [Select id ,Name ,gmod__Product__c,gmod__Quantity__c,gmod__Price__c , gmod__Month__c, gmod__date__c, gmod__Quarter__c ,gmod__Amount__c ,Actual_Price__c ,gmod__Year__c ,gmod__Month_Text__c ,Forecast_Date__c,gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c.gmod__Product__r.Name from gmod__Opportunity_Forecast__c ];
I shall appreciate your help.