I have a custom object: License, this has a Lookup for the standard Account (meaning: an account can have many licenses) and they are shwon on the account page with a related list.
On my account page, there is a custom field called: Support_end_date
I want that if anyone is accessing the License page, a pop up will show if the account is not under support. (first part is working, as for SF question: How to compare 2 dates in JavaScript on a Visualforce page?How to compare 2 dates in JavaScript on a Visualforce page?)
My current code than is:
<apex:page StandardController="OptiTex_License__c">
window.document.onload = new function(e)
var tempdate = new Date("{!OptiTex_License__c.Account.Support_end_date__c}");
if(tempdate < Date.now() || tempdate ){
alert("--- ATTENTION --- \nCustomer is NOT under Support\nor no support end date is given.");
*Similar code, only that the StandardController is now the customer: License object.
I tried to access the Account field through: OptiTex_License__c.Account.Support_end_date__c - but that gave me a compilation error.
So I ask: How and where in my code to I query (SOQL maybe?) or simply have access to the values from my parent.