I have a custom object called Server_Order__c used in my customer portal which is then mirrored to mythe Opportunities object, as well as mirroring the data I would also like to also copy overmirror any attachments to the relavent Opportunity.
How the attachment can be linked to the right Opportunity is by getting the Opportunity__c value from Service_Orders__c objectthat are uploaded.
Edit: Due to the way SF works, attachment are uploaded to their own object and justhave reference the parentA 'Service Order' object which means the record is not updated. What I would like to know is how can I have any attachments uploaded to my Service Ordera child of Opportunities object, they should be also copied to the relevant Opportunity. The mirrored opportunity (ID) is referenced in my Service Order aseach record contains a Opportunity__c foriegn key.
Here is my apex trigger as of now, but it does not seem to work.
trigger CopyAttachmentstoOpps on Attachment (after insert) {
List<Attachment> insertAttList = new List<Attachment>();
for (Attachment att:Trigger.new) {
String parentIdString = String.valueof(att.parentId);
Service_Order__c oppId = [SELECT Opportunity__c FROM Service_Order__c WHERE ID = :att.parentId];
system.debug('The ID is' + oppId);
Attachment b = att.clone();
b.parentid = parentIdString;
My initial code has a trigger on Service Order updates, however the way Salesforce works when an attachment is uploaded it is stored in a child object hence no updates are made to the parent. I have modified my code accordingly but I am still unable to get it to work.