global without sharing class CoachPortalHelperClassesEYD {
@AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
global static map<string,list<Deliverable>> getDeliverables(string TimeFrame){
map<string,list<Deliverable>> Deliverables = new map<string,list<Deliverable>>();
list<Statement_of_Work__c> SOWS = getRecords(TimeFrame);
//Get SOW fulfillments and Engagement Reports to display status
set<string> SOWLI_Ids = new set<string>();
for(Statement_of_Work__c SOW: SOWs){
for(sow_line_item__c SOWLI: SOW.sow_line_items__r){
Map<ID, sow_line_item__c> sowli_fulfillment_map = new Map<ID, sow_line_item__c>([SELECT Id,
(select createddate from sow_line_item_fulfillments__r order by createddate desc limit 1),
(select lastmodifieddate from Coach_Engagement_Reports__r order by lastmodifieddate desc limit 1)
from sow_line_item__c
where id in :SOWLI_Ids]);
String currentFiscalYear = [SELECT FiscalYearSettings.Name FROM Period WHERE Type = 'Year' AND StartDate <= TODAY AND EndDate >= TODAY].FiscalYearSettings.Name;
List<String> args = new String[]{'0','number','###,###,##0'};
for(Statement_of_Work__c SOW: SOWS){
for(sow_line_item__c SOWLI: SOW.sow_line_items__r){
deliverable d = new deliverable(); = SOWLI.Title__c != null ? SOWLI.Title__c : SOWLI.Coach_Deliverables__r.Name;
sow_line_item__c related = sowli_fulfillment_map.get(;
if(SOWLI.Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c == 0){
d.Status = 'Fulfilled';
d.Status += ' '+ related.sow_line_item_fulfillments__r[0].createddate.Format('MM/dd/yyyy');
} else if (related.coach_engagement_reports__r.size()>0){
d.Status = 'Resume report saved on '+ related.coach_engagement_reports__r[0].createddate.Format('MM/dd/yyyy');
} else {
d.Status = 'Click to fulfill';}
d.isOpen = SOWLI.Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c == 0 ? False : True;
d.ExpectedDate = SOWLI.Estimated_Completion_Date__c;
d.noDate = d.expectedDate == null ? true : false;
d.SOWLIId =;
d.FulfillmentLink = 'coach-fulfillment?SOWLI=';
d.changeDateLink = 'update-estimated-completion-date?SOWLI=';
d.Description = SOWLI.description__c;
d.showECDate = SOWLI.Fulfillment_Type__c == 'Engagement Report' && d.isOpen ? True: False;
d.payRate = '$'+ String.format(SOWLI.Pay_Rate_Unit__c.format(),args);
string MapKey = SOW.College__c != null ? SOW.College__c : 'Training, Institutes & Retreats';
if(TimeFrame == 'Open'){
MapKey = SOW.Name + ' ' + MapKey;
d.acceptLink = 'review-assignment?SOW=''&accept=Accepted';
d.declineLink = 'review-assignment?SOW=''&accept=Rejected';
d.isReview = true;
} else {
MapKey += ' - ' + SOWLI.Year__c;
d.isReview = false;
} else {
list<deliverable> Dlist = new list<deliverable>();
return Deliverables;
global static list<Statement_of_Work__c> getRecords(string TimeFrame){
String currentFiscalYear = [SELECT FiscalYearSettings.Name FROM Period WHERE Type = 'Year' AND StartDate <= TODAY AND EndDate >= TODAY].FiscalYearSettings.Name;
String SOWLIConditions = '';
User u = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM User WHERE Id =: UserInfo.getUserId()];
//string CoachContactId = '0035500001P8zBGAAZ';
string CoachContactId = u.contactId;
if(TimeFrame == 'Current'){
SOWLIConditions = ' Year__c = \'' + currentFiscalYear + '\' or Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c > 0 ';
} else if (TimeFrame == 'Open'){
SOWLIConditions = ' statement_of_work__r.status__c = \'Pending Execution\' ';
} else {
SOWLIConditions = ' Year__c < \'' + currentFiscalYear + '\'';
string SOWQuery = 'Select Id, Name, College__c, (Select Id, Name, Type__c, Estimated_Completion_Date__c, description__c, Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c, Pay_Rate_Unit__c, title__c,, Year__c, Fulfillment_Type__c From SOW_Line_Items__r where '+ SOWLIConditions + ') from Statement_of_Work__c ';
SOWQuery += 'where Contractor_Contact__c = \'' + CoachContactId + '\' and ';
SOWQuery += 'id in (select statement_of_work__c from SOW_Line_Item__c where '+ SOWLIConditions + ')';
SOWQuery += ' and display_on_portal__c = TRUE and status__c = ';
if(TimeFrame != 'Open'){
SOWQuery += '\'Accepted\' ';
} else {
SOWQuery += '\'Pending Execution\' ';
SOWQuery +='order by asc';
list<Statement_of_Work__c> SOWS = Database.query(SOWQuery);
return SOWS;
global class Deliverable{
public string name;
public string status;
public date expectedDate;
public string SOWLIId;
public string fulfillmentLink;
public string changeDateLink;
public string description;
public boolean isOpen;
public boolean noDate;
public string payRate;
public string acceptLink;
public string declineLink;
public boolean isReview;
public boolean showECDate;
global without sharing class CoachPortalHelperClassesEYD {
@AuraEnabled(cacheable = true)
global static map<string,list<Deliverable>> getDeliverables(string TimeFrame){
map<string,list<Deliverable>> Deliverables = new map<string,list<Deliverable>>();
list<Statement_of_Work__c> SOWS = getRecords(TimeFrame);
//Get SOW fulfillments and Engagement Reports to display status
set<string> SOWLI_Ids = new set<string>();
for(Statement_of_Work__c SOW: SOWs){
for(sow_line_item__c SOWLI: SOW.sow_line_items__r){
Map<ID, sow_line_item__c> sowli_fulfillment_map = new Map<ID, sow_line_item__c>([SELECT Id,
(select createddate from sow_line_item_fulfillments__r order by createddate desc limit 1),
(select lastmodifieddate from Coach_Engagement_Reports__r order by lastmodifieddate desc limit 1)
from sow_line_item__c
where id in :SOWLI_Ids]);
String currentFiscalYear = [SELECT FiscalYearSettings.Name FROM Period WHERE Type = 'Year' AND StartDate <= TODAY AND EndDate >= TODAY].FiscalYearSettings.Name;
List<String> args = new String[]{'0','number','###,###,##0'};
for(Statement_of_Work__c SOW: SOWS){
for(sow_line_item__c SOWLI: SOW.sow_line_items__r){
deliverable d = new deliverable(); = SOWLI.Title__c != null ? SOWLI.Title__c : SOWLI.Coach_Deliverables__r.Name;
sow_line_item__c related = sowli_fulfillment_map.get(;
if(SOWLI.Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c == 0){
d.Status = 'Fulfilled';
d.Status += ' '+ related.sow_line_item_fulfillments__r[0].createddate.Format('MM/dd/yyyy');
} else if (related.coach_engagement_reports__r.size()>0){
d.Status = 'Resume report saved on '+ related.coach_engagement_reports__r[0].createddate.Format('MM/dd/yyyy');
} else {
d.Status = 'Click to fulfill';}
d.isOpen = SOWLI.Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c == 0 ? False : True;
d.ExpectedDate = SOWLI.Estimated_Completion_Date__c;
d.noDate = d.expectedDate == null ? true : false;
d.SOWLIId =;
d.FulfillmentLink = 'coach-fulfillment?SOWLI=';
d.changeDateLink = 'update-estimated-completion-date?SOWLI=';
d.Description = SOWLI.description__c;
d.showECDate = SOWLI.Fulfillment_Type__c == 'Engagement Report' && d.isOpen ? True: False;
d.payRate = '$'+ String.format(SOWLI.Pay_Rate_Unit__c.format(),args);
string MapKey = SOW.College__c != null ? SOW.College__c : 'Training, Institutes & Retreats';
if(TimeFrame == 'Open'){
MapKey = SOW.Name + ' ' + MapKey;
d.acceptLink = 'review-assignment?SOW=''&accept=Accepted';
d.declineLink = 'review-assignment?SOW=''&accept=Rejected';
d.isReview = true;
} else {
MapKey += ' - ' + SOWLI.Year__c;
d.isReview = false;
} else {
list<deliverable> Dlist = new list<deliverable>();
return Deliverables;
global static list<Statement_of_Work__c> getRecords(string TimeFrame){
String currentFiscalYear = [SELECT FiscalYearSettings.Name FROM Period WHERE Type = 'Year' AND StartDate <= TODAY AND EndDate >= TODAY].FiscalYearSettings.Name;
String SOWLIConditions = '';
User u = [SELECT Id, ContactId FROM User WHERE Id =: UserInfo.getUserId()];
//string CoachContactId = '0035500001P8zBGAAZ';
string CoachContactId = u.contactId;
if(TimeFrame == 'Current'){
SOWLIConditions = ' Year__c = \'' + currentFiscalYear + '\' or Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c > 0 ';
} else if (TimeFrame == 'Open'){
SOWLIConditions = ' statement_of_work__r.status__c = \'Pending Execution\' ';
} else {
SOWLIConditions = ' Year__c < \'' + currentFiscalYear + '\'';
string SOWQuery = 'Select Id, Name, College__c, (Select Id, Name, Type__c, Estimated_Completion_Date__c, description__c, Number_of_Work_Units_Remaining__c, Pay_Rate_Unit__c, title__c,, Year__c, Fulfillment_Type__c From SOW_Line_Items__r where '+ SOWLIConditions + ') from Statement_of_Work__c ';
SOWQuery += 'where Contractor_Contact__c = \'' + CoachContactId + '\' and ';
SOWQuery += 'id in (select statement_of_work__c from SOW_Line_Item__c where '+ SOWLIConditions + ')';
SOWQuery += ' and display_on_portal__c = TRUE and status__c = ';
if(TimeFrame != 'Open'){
SOWQuery += '\'Accepted\' ';
} else {
SOWQuery += '\'Pending Execution\' ';
SOWQuery +='order by asc';
list<Statement_of_Work__c> SOWS = Database.query(SOWQuery);
return SOWS;
global class Deliverable{
public string name;
public string status;
public date expectedDate;
public string SOWLIId;
public string fulfillmentLink;
public string changeDateLink;
public string description;
public boolean isOpen;
public boolean noDate;
public string payRate;
public string acceptLink;
public string declineLink;
public boolean isReview;
public boolean showECDate;