YouI don't think you can putuse AMPscript blocks at the picklist form field to dopopulate the product code (storing in a lookup and processdifferent DE) based on a loop to prepopulateproduct the valuecustomer will select in the Smart Capture form due to this activity comes from the lookup data extension.
Althoughclient side while AMPscript is serverside and you may need to set up a bit forcan only interact with it on the lookup DEserver side.
For example, my lookup DE has the "Product" field and I need to use these values in this column for the form picklist field. I would putrecommend using an additional "Remark" field and fill it withstep to process the data. In this case, you can use SQL query to populate the corresponding product code to a default value "Get value"new data extension.
In the picklist field form, I would do likeput a sample code for this:
<div class="smartcapture-controls"><div class="sc-formfield-label"><label for="Product">Product</label></div>
<div class="sc-formfield-input">
<select name="Product" id="Product" data-field-type="Text">
<option value="" id="" selected="selected"></option>
SET @data = LookupRows("MY LOOKUP DE", "Remark"a.Product, "Get value")
IF RowCount(@data) > 0 THENb.ProducCode
FOR @i = 1 TO RowCount(@data) DOFROM
SET[Your @rowtarget =DE] Row(@data,as @i)a
SET @Product= Field(@row,INNER "Product")
<option value="%%=v(@Product)=%%"[Your id="%%=v(@Product)=%%">%%=v(@Product)=%%</option>
lookup DE] as b
%%[NEXT @i]%%ON
= </select>
You can even add your own picklist value to that picklist form field by adding other option tags after the %%[ENDIF]%%