In the Marketing Cloud Summer '23 release, there is a new function named BuildRowsetFromJson(1,2,3)
. It works very similar to BuildRowsetFromXml
Parameter 1 - Source string
Parameter 2 - JSON Path string which specifies what to build the rowset from
Parameter 3 - If true, returns an empty set on error instead of throwing
var @json, @rowCount
set @json = ""
set @json = concat(@json, '{ "store": {')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "book": [')
set @json = concat(@json, ' { "category": "reference",')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "author": "Nigel Rees",')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "title": "Sayings of the Century",')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "price": 8.95')
set @json = concat(@json, ' },')
set @json = concat(@json, ' { "category": "fiction",')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "author": "Evelyn Waugh",')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "title": "Sword of Honour",')
set @json = concat(@json, ' "price": 12.99')
set @json = concat(@json, ' }')
set @json = concat(@json, ' ]')
set @json = concat(@json, '}}')
set @books = BuildRowsetFromJSON(@json,"$.store[0].book[*]",1)
set @rowCount = rowcount(@books)
if @rowCount > 0 then
for @i = 1 to @rowCount do
varSET @title = Field(Row(books,@i),'title')
<br><p>Title: %%=v(@title)=%%</p>
next @i
output(concat("<br>no books found"))