Please find below approach which can help you , since you mentioned you had multiple tabs and one of it is custom list view:Editing this answer as per discussion in the comments section.
- Create a parent component. Lets call it
- Let's assume your list view resides in
Add tabsIt is not directly possible to your Parentrefresh LWC liketab. It can be achieved by wrapping LWC inside aura component as below :
1 Create a aura component which renders the desired LWC using <aura:if>
and use it as the tab.
<lightning-tabset variant="vertical"<aura:component active-tab-value={activeTab}>
<aura:attribute name="isLwcVisible" label="Tabtype="Boolean" 1"
default="true"/> value="tab-1"
<aura:if onactive=isTrue="{handleOnActive!v.isLwcVisible}
"> label="Tab 2"
<c:myLwc /> icon-name="utility:list"
3.Expose a @api method in2 For detecting navigation away from the tab , handle childaura:locationChange
LWCevent as below :
@api<aura:handler refreshListView()event="aura:locationChange" action="{
//logic to refresh list view
!handleLocationChange} "/>
4.Inhere , handleOnActivehandleLocationChange
handler ofwill just toggle the property in Parentaura:if
.This method which will be called whenever any tab is clicked. Checkcause the tab name and call a methodLWC to refresh data in child component :rerender.
handleOnActive(event) {
handleLocationChange: event.stopPropagationfunction();
this.activeTab =component,;
if (this.activeTab ===, 'tab-2'helper) {
const listViewComponent = this.template.querySelector("c-child");
var isLwcVisible = listViewComponentcomponent.refreshListViewget("v. isLwcVisible");
if this[NavigationMixin.Navigate](
isLwcVisible) {
c__activeTab: thiscomponent.activeTab
set("v. isLwcVisible", }false),;
true /* replace parameter is set to true so} thatelse browser{
navigates to new page without pushing it into pagecomponent.set("v. historyisLwcVisible",
so user does nottrue);
have click browser's back button multiple times. */}
The only issue with Platform events is that it won't scale dueSpecial credits to limits@mackmama for this.