The return type .toString()
does not generate a JSON formatted String.
You will have to change that to :
global class WebServiceFactory {
global static String getRecord() {
List<JSONFactory> JSONs = new List<JSONFactory>();
for(integer i = 0; i<4; i++){
JSONs.add(new JSONFactory(i, 'Jan' + i, 'Test' + i));
return JSON.serialize(JSONs);
Only then you will receive a JSON formatted String.
20:24:05.199 (202088269)|USER_DEBUG|[17]|DEBUG|[{"name":"Jan0","lastName":"Test0","id":0},{"name":"Jan1","lastName":"Test1","id":1},{"name":"Jan2","lastName":"Test2","id":2},{"name":"Jan3","lastName":"Test3","id":3}]
After this your List<Object> objs = (List<Object>)JSON.deserializeUntyped(res.getBody());
would work as expected.