I have a scenario, where closed cases (opened by customers through email reply) can not re-open after 2 weeks.
I am managing everything via Flows (before create/update). Is it possible to send an email alert to the customer, that his case couldn't be re-opened, and he needs to send a new email ?
When using the 'Before Create/update' visual flow, there is no option to send email alerts, I assume cause of DML restrictions.
With @cropredy suggestion, here's what I get:
New field on case: Late_Reopen_attempt__c
Flow: Case Before Create/Update:
**** The main problem with this scenario, is that the data is saved to the case record. This is something I want to avoid.
So, I added a validation rule on the case:
But I get to a race condition, where I don't want any updates, but only to switch the Checkbox indicator.