Have you actually tried to set cc: adddresses and additional to: addresses with a template and seen it fail? I'm not 100% convinced the doc is accurate . Looking at my code, my class that does
I just tried using anonymous APEX and V.30 using this code and it works fine in both to: and cc: lists with a call such as this:
Util.sendTemplatedEmail(new List<String> {'[email protected]'},
new List<String>{'[email protected]'},
[select id from Foo__c limit 1][0].id,null,false);
This really makes me think the send emaildoc is at V18wrong.0; maybe the restrictions are an introduced reality
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// sendTemplatedEmail
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static void sendTemplatedEmail(String[] toRecipients, String[] ccRecipients, String templateParmName, ID targetObjId, Id whatId, ID orgWideEmailId, Boolean saveAsActivity ) {
// templateId must be ID of an Email template
// targetObjId must be a Contact Id -- also used in merge fields of template recipient.xxxx
// whatId must be an SObject that is used in the merge fields of the template relatedTo.xxxx
// fromId if non null, use current user, otherwise, use this ID (most likely an org wide no reply id)
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
String templateApiName = EnvironmentVariable.getString(templateParmName);
Id templateId;
try {templateId = [select id, name from EmailTemplate where developername = : templateApiName].id;}
catch (Exception e) {
throw new MyException ('[UTIL-06] Unable to locate EmailTemplate using name: ' + templateApiName +
' as indicated in Custom Settings ' + templateParmName);
email.setSaveAsActivity(saveAsActivity); // save email as activity on the targetObjId (i.e. Contact)
try {
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email});
catch (EmailException e) {throw new MyException('[UTIL-07] sendTemplatedEmail error. ' + e.getMessage());}