I have a controller class that basically has some functionality which runs according to the values of two formula fields. Now when I am writing test class for it, the values of these two formula field aren't getting calculated and always return 0. I have added values for all the fields which are required to calculate the formulas and queried them after the record is inserted in Test class but in debug logs I see the values are always 0.
The formula fields:
- Tot_SalesPrice_Calc__c
- Tot_MarginPercent_Calc__c
- Tot_Cost_Calc__c
Total_MainOffer_SalesPriceRounded__c + MO_Travel_Expense_Sales_Price_SCT__c
Tot_SalesPrice_Calc__c <> 0,
(Tot_SalesPrice_Calc__c - Tot_Cost_Calc__c )/Tot_SalesPrice_Calc__c,
Tot_Cost_Calc__c (used in formula above)
IF (MO_Tot_Cost__c > 0,
( MO_Tot_Cost__c - Project_Promotion__c + MO_Travel_Expense_Cost_SCT__c),
Here is some part of my Test Class:
public class SubmitforApprovalController_TestClass {
public static Custom1__c objMO;
public static Custom1__c CreateMainOffer()
objMO = new Custom1__c();
objMO.Name = 'Test Offer';
objMO.Total_MainOffer_SalesPriceRounded__c = 150000;
objMO.MO_Tot_Cost__c = 140000;
objMO.Project_Promotion__c = 0;
objMO.MO_Travel_Expense_Cost_SCT__c = 0;
//bjMO.Generic_DocGen__r.Reference_Offer_Type__c = 'Project Fire Sol';
return objMO;
@isTest static void method1(){
objMO = CreateMainOffer();
objMO.Generic_DocGen__c = objGenericDocGen.id;
insert objMO;
Custom1__c QueriedMO = [SELECT Name,Tot_Cost_Calc__c, Tot_MarginPercent_Calc__c,Tot_SalesPrice_Calc__c FROM Custom1__c WHERE Id = :objMO.Id limit 1];
system.debug('Marging ++++'+QueriedMO.Tot_MarginPercent_Calc__c);
system.debug('salesprice ++++'+QueriedMO.Tot_SalesPrice_Calc__c);