I am having custom form instead of smart capture from on my cloud page. This form having multiple check boxes. Now i want to show this form pre-filled if existing user visited to this page.
Users land on this page via email link and i am getting user email via parameters in URL.
Now i am able to get the values for check boxes by matching email in that data extension using amp script but the problem is all check boxes values save to 1 field in data extension separated by (,) coma.
So i don't know how to fill the check boxes checked by matching check boxes value with these values that are in 1 field only.
My AMPScript Code
var @Email, @lookupValue, @value
SET @lookupValue = RequestParameter('email')
SET @value = Lookup("DataDE", "FieldA", "Email", @lookupValue)
var @Email, @lookupValue, @value
SET @lookupValue = RequestParameter('email')
SET @value = Lookup("DataDE", "FieldA", "Email", @lookupValue)
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