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Keith C
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global class Agg_Batch implements Database.Batchable, Database.Stateful, System.Schedulable {

global Agg_Batch() {

 global class Agg_Batch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful, System.Schedulable {
 global Agg_Batch() {

        //Initialize the collections and set
        grpLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>();
        setLFCMappedQyStrings = new Set<String>();
        updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>(); // this is to update Sync to report flag on the ParentObject


     public static void schedule(){

        String CRON_EXP = '0 0 * * * ?';//every hour
        //cannot be tested in Apex tests, causes AsyncException if class already scheduled.
        if( !Test.isRunningTest() )
            System.schedule(JOB_NAME, CRON_EXP, new Agg_Batch() );


    private Id enqueueBatchProcess(){

        if( BatchUtilityService.getBatchJobRunningCount( CLASS_NAME ) > 0 )
            return null;
        return Database.executeBatch( new Agg_Batch(), 1 );
    global void execute( SchedulableContext sc ){

//ParentObject - This is parent object, and each of the associated child object can have more than 10000 records. //ChildObject - This is child records //AggObject - Aggregate object. global List start( Database.BatchableContext BC ){

//ParentObject - This is parent object, and each of the associated child object can have more than 10000 records.
//ChildObject - This is child records
//AggObject - Aggregate object.
global List<ParentObject> start( Database.BatchableContext BC ){

        for( ParentObject mappedImport1 :
                    [SELECT Id, Revision_Status__c, ImportID__c, AggView_Period__c,
                    Year__c, Quarter__c, Account_ID__C FROM ParentObject WHEN Sync_To_Report__c = false

            updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.Add(new ParentObject(id = mappedImport1.Id, Sync_To_Report__c = false)); // the parent record, once read needs to be flagged

            if (!setLFCMappedQyStrings.contains(mappedImport1.ImportID__c)) {
                ParentObject imp = new ParentObject(LFC_Quarter_Id__c = mappedImport1.LFC_Quarter_Id__c,
                        Account_Id__c = mappedImport1.Account_Id__c, Year__c=mappedImport1.Year__c, Quarter__c = mappedImport1.Quarter__c); 

                grpLfcMappedQuarterImports.add(imp); // Grouping unique ParentObject by an Alternate ID i.e. ImportID__c

        return grpLfcMappedQuarterImports;


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope) {


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {

        for ( ParentObject mappedImport : grpLfcMappedQuarterImports) {

public void generateAggregateReportData( ParentObject mappedImport ) {

 public  void generateAggregateReportData( ParentObject mappedImport ) {

        String importID = mappedImport.Account_Id__c + '^' + String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + '^' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));
        String periodString = String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + ' ' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));

        // Generate new AggObject records
        Map<String, Integer> keyToOccurenceCountMap = new Map<String, Integer>();

        Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>> aggregateMap = new Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>>(); 
        List<ChildObject> lines = LFCMappedLinesSelector.getMappedLineItemsByMappedKeyImportId( importID ); // This call gets more than 10000 records
        List<AggObject> aggrInsertList = new List<AggObject>();
        for( ChildObject line : lines ){
            //Custom agg Logic to aggregate into aggrInsertList
        if (aggrInsertList.isEmpty()) {
            insert aggrInsertList; // this call FAILS [wondering if this can be BATCHED Too]


global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {


 global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

        if ( !updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.isEmpty())
            update updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports;

        System.debug('MappedLineAggregateBatch2 finished Processing');

} }

global class Agg_Batch implements Database.Batchable, Database.Stateful, System.Schedulable {

global Agg_Batch() {

    //Initialize the collections and set
    grpLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>();
    setLFCMappedQyStrings = new Set<String>();
    updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>(); // this is to update Sync to report flag on the ParentObject


 public static void schedule(){

    String CRON_EXP = '0 0 * * * ?';//every hour
    //cannot be tested in Apex tests, causes AsyncException if class already scheduled.
    if( !Test.isRunningTest() )
        System.schedule(JOB_NAME, CRON_EXP, new Agg_Batch() );


private Id enqueueBatchProcess(){

    if( BatchUtilityService.getBatchJobRunningCount( CLASS_NAME ) > 0 )
        return null;
    return Database.executeBatch( new Agg_Batch(), 1 );

global void execute( SchedulableContext sc ){

//ParentObject - This is parent object, and each of the associated child object can have more than 10000 records. //ChildObject - This is child records //AggObject - Aggregate object. global List start( Database.BatchableContext BC ){

    for( ParentObject mappedImport1 :
                [SELECT Id, Revision_Status__c, ImportID__c, AggView_Period__c,
                Year__c, Quarter__c, Account_ID__C FROM ParentObject WHEN Sync_To_Report__c = false

        updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.Add(new ParentObject(id = mappedImport1.Id, Sync_To_Report__c = false)); // the parent record, once read needs to be flagged

        if (!setLFCMappedQyStrings.contains(mappedImport1.ImportID__c)) {
            ParentObject imp = new ParentObject(LFC_Quarter_Id__c = mappedImport1.LFC_Quarter_Id__c,
                    Account_Id__c = mappedImport1.Account_Id__c, Year__c=mappedImport1.Year__c, Quarter__c = mappedImport1.Quarter__c); 

            grpLfcMappedQuarterImports.add(imp); // Grouping unique ParentObject by an Alternate ID i.e. ImportID__c

    return grpLfcMappedQuarterImports;


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope) {

    for ( ParentObject mappedImport : grpLfcMappedQuarterImports) {

public void generateAggregateReportData( ParentObject mappedImport ) {

    String importID = mappedImport.Account_Id__c + '^' + String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + '^' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));
    String periodString = String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + ' ' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));

    // Generate new AggObject records
    Map<String, Integer> keyToOccurenceCountMap = new Map<String, Integer>();

    Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>> aggregateMap = new Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>>(); 
    List<ChildObject> lines = LFCMappedLinesSelector.getMappedLineItemsByMappedKeyImportId( importID ); // This call gets more than 10000 records
    List<AggObject> aggrInsertList = new List<AggObject>();
    for( ChildObject line : lines ){
        //Custom agg Logic to aggregate into aggrInsertList
    if (aggrInsertList.isEmpty()) {
        insert aggrInsertList; // this call FAILS [wondering if this can be BATCHED Too]


global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

    if ( !updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.isEmpty())
        update updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports;

    System.debug('MappedLineAggregateBatch2 finished Processing');

} }

 global class Agg_Batch implements Database.Batchable<sObject>, Database.Stateful, System.Schedulable {
 global Agg_Batch() {

        //Initialize the collections and set
        grpLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>();
        setLFCMappedQyStrings = new Set<String>();
        updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>(); // this is to update Sync to report flag on the ParentObject


     public static void schedule(){

        String CRON_EXP = '0 0 * * * ?';//every hour
        //cannot be tested in Apex tests, causes AsyncException if class already scheduled.
        if( !Test.isRunningTest() )
            System.schedule(JOB_NAME, CRON_EXP, new Agg_Batch() );


    private Id enqueueBatchProcess(){

        if( BatchUtilityService.getBatchJobRunningCount( CLASS_NAME ) > 0 )
            return null;
        return Database.executeBatch( new Agg_Batch(), 1 );
    global void execute( SchedulableContext sc ){

//ParentObject - This is parent object, and each of the associated child object can have more than 10000 records.
//ChildObject - This is child records
//AggObject - Aggregate object.
global List<ParentObject> start( Database.BatchableContext BC ){

        for( ParentObject mappedImport1 :
                    [SELECT Id, Revision_Status__c, ImportID__c, AggView_Period__c,
                    Year__c, Quarter__c, Account_ID__C FROM ParentObject WHEN Sync_To_Report__c = false

            updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.Add(new ParentObject(id = mappedImport1.Id, Sync_To_Report__c = false)); // the parent record, once read needs to be flagged

            if (!setLFCMappedQyStrings.contains(mappedImport1.ImportID__c)) {
                ParentObject imp = new ParentObject(LFC_Quarter_Id__c = mappedImport1.LFC_Quarter_Id__c,
                        Account_Id__c = mappedImport1.Account_Id__c, Year__c=mappedImport1.Year__c, Quarter__c = mappedImport1.Quarter__c); 

                grpLfcMappedQuarterImports.add(imp); // Grouping unique ParentObject by an Alternate ID i.e. ImportID__c

        return grpLfcMappedQuarterImports;

global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {

        for ( ParentObject mappedImport : grpLfcMappedQuarterImports) {
 public  void generateAggregateReportData( ParentObject mappedImport ) {

        String importID = mappedImport.Account_Id__c + '^' + String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + '^' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));
        String periodString = String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + ' ' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));

        // Generate new AggObject records
        Map<String, Integer> keyToOccurenceCountMap = new Map<String, Integer>();

        Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>> aggregateMap = new Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>>(); 
        List<ChildObject> lines = LFCMappedLinesSelector.getMappedLineItemsByMappedKeyImportId( importID ); // This call gets more than 10000 records
        List<AggObject> aggrInsertList = new List<AggObject>();
        for( ChildObject line : lines ){
            //Custom agg Logic to aggregate into aggrInsertList
        if (aggrInsertList.isEmpty()) {
            insert aggrInsertList; // this call FAILS [wondering if this can be BATCHED Too]

 global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

        if ( !updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.isEmpty())
            update updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports;

        System.debug('MappedLineAggregateBatch2 finished Processing');
edited tags
Adrian Larson
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added 4081 characters in body
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Edits : Adding the code snippet here for review

global class Agg_Batch implements Database.Batchable, Database.Stateful, System.Schedulable {

global Agg_Batch() {

    //Initialize the collections and set
    grpLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>();
    setLFCMappedQyStrings = new Set<String>();
    updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>(); // this is to update Sync to report flag on the ParentObject


 public static void schedule(){

    String CRON_EXP = '0 0 * * * ?';//every hour
    //cannot be tested in Apex tests, causes AsyncException if class already scheduled.
    if( !Test.isRunningTest() )
        System.schedule(JOB_NAME, CRON_EXP, new Agg_Batch() );


private Id enqueueBatchProcess(){

    if( BatchUtilityService.getBatchJobRunningCount( CLASS_NAME ) > 0 )
        return null;
    return Database.executeBatch( new Agg_Batch(), 1 );

global void execute( SchedulableContext sc ){

//ParentObject - This is parent object, and each of the associated child object can have more than 10000 records. //ChildObject - This is child records //AggObject - Aggregate object. global List start( Database.BatchableContext BC ){

    for( ParentObject mappedImport1 :
                [SELECT Id, Revision_Status__c, ImportID__c, AggView_Period__c,
                Year__c, Quarter__c, Account_ID__C FROM ParentObject WHEN Sync_To_Report__c = false

        updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.Add(new ParentObject(id = mappedImport1.Id, Sync_To_Report__c = false)); // the parent record, once read needs to be flagged

        if (!setLFCMappedQyStrings.contains(mappedImport1.ImportID__c)) {
            ParentObject imp = new ParentObject(LFC_Quarter_Id__c = mappedImport1.LFC_Quarter_Id__c,
                    Account_Id__c = mappedImport1.Account_Id__c, Year__c=mappedImport1.Year__c, Quarter__c = mappedImport1.Quarter__c); 

            grpLfcMappedQuarterImports.add(imp); // Grouping unique ParentObject by an Alternate ID i.e. ImportID__c

    return grpLfcMappedQuarterImports;


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope) {

    for ( ParentObject mappedImport : grpLfcMappedQuarterImports) {

public void generateAggregateReportData( ParentObject mappedImport ) {

    String importID = mappedImport.Account_Id__c + '^' + String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + '^' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));
    String periodString = String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + ' ' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));

    // Generate new AggObject records
    Map<String, Integer> keyToOccurenceCountMap = new Map<String, Integer>();

    Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>> aggregateMap = new Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>>(); 
    List<ChildObject> lines = LFCMappedLinesSelector.getMappedLineItemsByMappedKeyImportId( importID ); // This call gets more than 10000 records
    List<AggObject> aggrInsertList = new List<AggObject>();
    for( ChildObject line : lines ){
        //Custom agg Logic to aggregate into aggrInsertList
    if (aggrInsertList.isEmpty()) {
        insert aggrInsertList; // this call FAILS [wondering if this can be BATCHED Too]


global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

    if ( !updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.isEmpty())
        update updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports;

    System.debug('MappedLineAggregateBatch2 finished Processing');

} }

Here are the sequence of events I am trying to execute :

Here are the sequence of events I am trying to execute :

Edits : Adding the code snippet here for review

global class Agg_Batch implements Database.Batchable, Database.Stateful, System.Schedulable {

global Agg_Batch() {

    //Initialize the collections and set
    grpLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>();
    setLFCMappedQyStrings = new Set<String>();
    updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports = new List<ParentObject>(); // this is to update Sync to report flag on the ParentObject


 public static void schedule(){

    String CRON_EXP = '0 0 * * * ?';//every hour
    //cannot be tested in Apex tests, causes AsyncException if class already scheduled.
    if( !Test.isRunningTest() )
        System.schedule(JOB_NAME, CRON_EXP, new Agg_Batch() );


private Id enqueueBatchProcess(){

    if( BatchUtilityService.getBatchJobRunningCount( CLASS_NAME ) > 0 )
        return null;
    return Database.executeBatch( new Agg_Batch(), 1 );

global void execute( SchedulableContext sc ){

//ParentObject - This is parent object, and each of the associated child object can have more than 10000 records. //ChildObject - This is child records //AggObject - Aggregate object. global List start( Database.BatchableContext BC ){

    for( ParentObject mappedImport1 :
                [SELECT Id, Revision_Status__c, ImportID__c, AggView_Period__c,
                Year__c, Quarter__c, Account_ID__C FROM ParentObject WHEN Sync_To_Report__c = false

        updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.Add(new ParentObject(id = mappedImport1.Id, Sync_To_Report__c = false)); // the parent record, once read needs to be flagged

        if (!setLFCMappedQyStrings.contains(mappedImport1.ImportID__c)) {
            ParentObject imp = new ParentObject(LFC_Quarter_Id__c = mappedImport1.LFC_Quarter_Id__c,
                    Account_Id__c = mappedImport1.Account_Id__c, Year__c=mappedImport1.Year__c, Quarter__c = mappedImport1.Quarter__c); 

            grpLfcMappedQuarterImports.add(imp); // Grouping unique ParentObject by an Alternate ID i.e. ImportID__c

    return grpLfcMappedQuarterImports;


global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List scope) {

    for ( ParentObject mappedImport : grpLfcMappedQuarterImports) {

public void generateAggregateReportData( ParentObject mappedImport ) {

    String importID = mappedImport.Account_Id__c + '^' + String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + '^' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));
    String periodString = String.valueOf(mappedImport.Quarter__c ) + ' ' + (mappedImport.Year__c == null ? '': String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(mappedImport.Year__c)));

    // Generate new AggObject records
    Map<String, Integer> keyToOccurenceCountMap = new Map<String, Integer>();

    Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>> aggregateMap = new Map<String, List<AggregateLineGroup>>(); 
    List<ChildObject> lines = LFCMappedLinesSelector.getMappedLineItemsByMappedKeyImportId( importID ); // This call gets more than 10000 records
    List<AggObject> aggrInsertList = new List<AggObject>();
    for( ChildObject line : lines ){
        //Custom agg Logic to aggregate into aggrInsertList
    if (aggrInsertList.isEmpty()) {
        insert aggrInsertList; // this call FAILS [wondering if this can be BATCHED Too]


global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {

    if ( !updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports.isEmpty())
        update updatedLfcMappedQuarterImports;

    System.debug('MappedLineAggregateBatch2 finished Processing');

} }

Here are the sequence of events I am trying to execute :

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