I used <lightning:navigation aura:id="nav" /> to naviagate from one component to another component. 'TestComp' is the destination component to which i want to naviagate. Its working fine in dev orgs but not in all the sand boxes. In some of the sand boxes Its naviagating to 'TestComp' but its not passing the 'ID' and 'Name' parameters in URL. Is there any org settings which restrict URL? or its because of other problem.
Hoping for the help.
This is the code snippet.
component.find("nav").navigate({ type: "standard__component", attributes: { componentName: "c:TestComp" }, state: { ID : data.Id, Name:data.Name } });
type: "standard__component",
attributes: {
componentName: "c:TestComp"
state: {
ID : data.Id,