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This approach follows the Single Responsibility PatternPrinciple and the Open-Closed PatternPrinciple by keeping each class clean and simple, while still enabling you to extend it to handle your own custom exception types.

Single Responsibility PatternPrinciple

Open-Closed PatternPrinciple

This approach follows the Single Responsibility Pattern and the Open-Closed Pattern by keeping each class clean and simple, while still enabling you to extend it to handle your own custom exception types.

Single Responsibility Pattern

Open-Closed Pattern

This approach follows the Single Responsibility Principle and the Open-Closed Principle by keeping each class clean and simple, while still enabling you to extend it to handle your own custom exception types.

Single Responsibility Principle

Open-Closed Principle

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public class AuraHandledExceptionFactory {
    public static AuraHandledException create(Exception cause) {
        Type handlerType = getType(cause);
        ExceptionHandler handler = newInstance(getType(cause)handlerType);
        return new AuraHandledException(handler.getMessage(cause));

    private static ExceptionHandler newInstance(Type handlerType) {

        ExceptionHandler handler;

        try {
            handler =return (ExceptionHandler) handlerType.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception catastropheignore) {
            handler =return new ExceptionHandler();
        return handler;

    private static Type getType(Exception cause) {
        return Type.forName(getTypeName(cause));

    private static String getTypeName(Exception cause) {
        return cause.getTypeName() + 'Handler';
public class AuraHandledExceptionFactory {
    public static AuraHandledException create(Exception cause) {

        ExceptionHandler handler = newInstance(getType(cause));
        return new AuraHandledException(handler.getMessage(cause));

    private static ExceptionHandler newInstance(Type handlerType) {

        ExceptionHandler handler;

        try {
            handler = (ExceptionHandler) handlerType.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception catastrophe) {
            handler = new ExceptionHandler();
        return handler;

    private static Type getType(Exception cause) {
        return Type.forName(getTypeName(cause));

    private static String getTypeName(Exception cause) {
        return cause.getTypeName() + 'Handler';
public class AuraHandledExceptionFactory {
    public static AuraHandledException create(Exception cause) {
        Type handlerType = getType(cause);
        ExceptionHandler handler = newInstance(handlerType);
        return new AuraHandledException(handler.getMessage(cause));

    private static ExceptionHandler newInstance(Type handlerType) {   
        try {
            return (ExceptionHandler) handlerType.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception ignore) {
            return new ExceptionHandler();

    private static Type getType(Exception cause) {
        return Type.forName(getTypeName(cause));

    private static String getTypeName(Exception cause) {
        return cause.getTypeName() + 'Handler';
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A purely Apex solution would be to have a AuraHandledExceptionFactory which creates the AuraHandledException with a correctly formatted error message based on the Exception type it was caught.

Apex Controller

Simple one line usage

public with sharing class ApexController {

    public static String getAction() {

        try {
           // do something
        } catch (Exception cause) {
            throw AuraHandledExceptionFactory.create(cause);


Factory pattern used to generate the aproprate ExceptionHandler based on the type of Exception that has been provided.

public class AuraHandledExceptionFactory {
    public static AuraHandledException create(Exception cause) {

        ExceptionHandler handler = newInstance(getType(cause));

        return new AuraHandledException(handler.getMessage(cause));

    private static ExceptionHandler newInstance(Type handlerType) {

        ExceptionHandler handler;

        try {
            handler = (ExceptionHandler) handlerType.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception catastrophe) {
            handler = new ExceptionHandler();
        return handler;

    private static Type getType(Exception cause) {
        return Type.forName(getTypeName(cause));

    private static String getTypeName(Exception cause) {
        return cause.getTypeName() + 'Handler';


This virtual class can extended for different Exception types

public virtual class ExceptionHandler {
    public virtual String getMessage(Exception cause) {
        return cause.getMessage();


A custom implementation to handle the DmlException type.

public class DmlExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler {

    public override String getMessage(Exception cause) {

        DmlException dml = (DmlException) cause;

        String message = '';

        for(integer index = 0; index < dml.getNumDML(); index++) {
            // simple implementation
            message += dml.getDmlMessage(index);
        return message;

This approach follows the Single Responsibility Pattern and the Open-Closed Pattern by keeping each class clean and simple, while still enabling you to extend it to handle your own custom exception types.

Single Responsibility Pattern

The single responsibility principle is that states that every class should have responsibility over a single part of the functionality provided by the software, and that responsibility should be entirely encapsulated by the class.

Open-Closed Pattern

The open-closed principle states classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification; that is, such an entity can allow its behaviour to be extended without modifying its source code.