New Spring 17 Feature
YesBoth Web-to-Lead and Web-to-Case now have out of the box reCAPTCHA support. Here's two curveballs thatWhen creating the form you will solve 99.9% of your problemsnow see "Enable spam filtering (recommended)" and "reCAPTCHA API Key Pair" fields:
Here's the former solution, without using CAPTCHA:
turn the "URL" field into a dedicated honeypot / gotcha on your Web-to-Lead form. Render it invisible using CSS, and then when you see a Lead come in with
you can blackhole it. (Subject to your existing business processes of course)pull the
organization id value out of the hidden field and populate it later using JavaScript:<script>document.getElementById('oid').value = '00Dd00000001234';</script>
These will choke most dumb scrapers and keep spam to a manageable level.