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I'm trying to update a custom field on opportunity 'stagechanged__c''stagechanged__c' field (Date-datatype) when the standard stage changed from Prospecting to Qualification.

how to update date on custom field "stagechanged__c""stagechanged__c" field when standard stage field changes.

this is my batchjob :

        Global class OpportunityStageChanges implements 
       Database.Batchable<sObject> {

       Global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
    String query = 'Select Id,Name,Amount,(Select ID, OldValue, NewValue 
    from OpportunityFieldHistory)from Opportunity';
      return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

     } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,  
       scope) {
         for(Opportunity opp : scope) {

        for(OpportunityFieldHistory opfh : opp.OpportunityFieldHistory) {
          system.debug(opfh.oldValue+'----'+opfh.NewValue );
        if(opfh.oldvalue == 'prospecting' && opfh.newvalue == 'Qualification'){
            //how to update the stagechanged__c custom field



      Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {}


how to update the stagechanged field ?

Thanks In Advance, Sekhar

I'm trying to update a custom field on opportunity 'stagechanged__c' field (Date-datatype) when the standard stage changed from Prospecting to Qualification.

how to update date on custom field "stagechanged__c" field when standard stage field changes.

this is my batchjob :

    Global class OpportunityStageChanges implements 
   Database.Batchable<sObject> {

   Global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
String query = 'Select Id,Name,Amount,(Select ID, OldValue, NewValue 
from OpportunityFieldHistory)from Opportunity';
  return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

 } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,  

   scope) {

     for(Opportunity opp : scope) {

    for(OpportunityFieldHistory opfh : opp.OpportunityFieldHistory) {
      system.debug(opfh.oldValue+'----'+opfh.NewValue );
    if(opfh.oldvalue == 'prospecting' && opfh.newvalue == 'Qualification'){
        //how to update the stagechanged__c custom field



  Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {}


how to update the stagechanged field ?

Thanks In Advance, Sekhar

I'm trying to update a custom field on opportunity 'stagechanged__c' field (Date-datatype) when the standard stage changed from Prospecting to Qualification.

how to update date on custom field "stagechanged__c" field when standard stage field changes.

this is my batchjob :

        Global class OpportunityStageChanges implements 
       Database.Batchable<sObject> {

       Global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
    String query = 'Select Id,Name,Amount,(Select ID, OldValue, NewValue 
    from OpportunityFieldHistory)from Opportunity';
      return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

     } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,  
       scope) {
         for(Opportunity opp : scope) {

        for(OpportunityFieldHistory opfh : opp.OpportunityFieldHistory) {
          system.debug(opfh.oldValue+'----'+opfh.NewValue );
        if(opfh.oldvalue == 'prospecting' && opfh.newvalue == 'Qualification'){
            //how to update the stagechanged__c custom field
      Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {}


how to update the stagechanged field ?

Thanks In Advance, Sekhar

Source Link

How to update custom date field on opportunity when stage field changes from one value to other?

I'm trying to update a custom field on opportunity 'stagechanged__c' field (Date-datatype) when the standard stage changed from Prospecting to Qualification.

how to update date on custom field "stagechanged__c" field when standard stage field changes.

this is my batchjob :

    Global class OpportunityStageChanges implements 
   Database.Batchable<sObject> {

   Global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC) {
String query = 'Select Id,Name,Amount,(Select ID, OldValue, NewValue 
from OpportunityFieldHistory)from Opportunity';
  return Database.getQueryLocator(query);

 } Global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,  

   scope) {

     for(Opportunity opp : scope) {

    for(OpportunityFieldHistory opfh : opp.OpportunityFieldHistory) {
      system.debug(opfh.oldValue+'----'+opfh.NewValue );
    if(opfh.oldvalue == 'prospecting' && opfh.newvalue == 'Qualification'){
        //how to update the stagechanged__c custom field



  Global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) {}


how to update the stagechanged field ?

Thanks In Advance, Sekhar