To find out if a particular user has Edit access to a record, use the UserRecordAccessUserRecordAccess object. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later. You can use SOQL to query this object to find out if the user has edit access to the record in question.
SELECT RecordId, HasEditAccess FROM UserRecordAccess WHERE UserId = [single ID] AND RecordId = [single ID]
SELECT RecordId, HasEditAccess
FROM UserRecordAccess
WHERE UserId = [single ID] AND RecordId = [single ID]
If you want to check a batch of records you can use
SELECT RecordId FROM UserRecordAccess WHERE UserId=:UserInfo.getUserId() AND HasReadAccess = true AND RecordId IN :allRecordIds LIMIT 200
FROM UserRecordAccess
WHERE UserId=:UserInfo.getUserId()
AND HasReadAccess = true
AND RecordId IN :allRecordIds
But make sure that allRecordIds is a LIST of IDs. It doesn't work if allRecordIds is a SET of IDs. I guess that's a bug.
Also, only a maximum amount of 200 recordIds can be checked in one query.