While trying to insert record into databsedatabase from recyclebinrecycle bin:
For ex: I, I have contact record in my salesforce and i have deleted that contact record, that stored in recyclebinrecycle bin.
After deleting the contact record, i have created new record in contact object (as it is deleted contact record has information like, first name, last name, email previously deleted record from contact).
iI have written a trigger for contact object, that is while inserting new contact fire error, if first name, last name, email is there.
my question is.... Can i restore the contact record from recyclebinrecycle bin already existing same details in contact object?
In that time, trigger will fire or not?
How tocan I write trigger to restore records from recyclebinthe recycle bin?
whichWhich context variable can iI have to use?
Please help me out... Thanks in advance