The reason why you are viewingyour images are view-able rather than downloadable is due to the "Content-Disposition" attribute that is set on the images when the file is being served.
There a couple of ways to enforce the download ,
The most easiest way is to get rid of the <ui:outputURL>
tag and use a traditional anchor tag. Like follows
<aura:iteration var="n" items="{!v.Attachments}" >
<a href="{!'/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file='+n.attachmentId}" download="myimage.jpg">
View File
The "download" attribute in the anchor tag will enforce the download. This should ideally work for all the file types.
I really do not see the need for ui:outputURL in this scenario. But just in case you need it, then you can do a conditional rendering with aura:if based on the "ContentType" and show ui:outputURl and anchor tag based on file ypes. Something like follows
<aura:if isTrue="{!n.ContentType == 'image/jpeg' ? true : false}">
<!-- The Anchor Tag Logic -->
<aura:set attribute="else">
<!-- Your ui:outputURL logic -->
Do consider the performance trade-off while using aura:if and else when you have a large volume of attachments to iterate.
Another approach would be to use javascript, capture the click event on ui:outputURL, get the URL for the attachment, validate the attachment file type (.jpg or .pdf etc ), then create a dynamic anchor tag element in the controller as shown in first method and simulate a click event on the same. This would also trigger a download. Like i mentioned earlier - this would be a bit cumbersome, you should approach with the first method, it would be easier to maintain and implement.