I am assuming you are trying to update the exsisting account of the contact if it has a Account else create a new Account. Below is an example of how you can update the parent based on the child:
Although, you may consider using a Process builder which can update the parent record or even create new records. Might save you writing some lines of code.
trigger ContactAccountOriginTrigger on Contact (before insert,before update) {
List<ID> IdList = new List<ID>();
List<Account> accToUpdateOrInsert = new List<Account>();
for(Contact c : trigger.new){
Account a = new Account(Name='WhatName');
Map<Id,Account> accountMap = new Map<Id,Account>();
List<Account> accList = [select id,Name,(select id, Focus_ID__c from Contacts) from Account where id in:idList];
For(Account a : accList){
For(Contact c: a.Contacts){
For(Contact c:trigger.new){
if(c.Focus_ID__c!=NULL || c.Focus_ID__c == ''){
Account acnt = accountMap.get(c.id);
// Your Logic to do whatever with the account field
Account acnt = accountMap.get(c.id);
// Your Logic to do whatever with the account field
upsert accToUpdateOrInsert;