I am trying to create some config for front end based on config objects. I have one custom object where I specify options that I need. Each option is separate custom object of this type. I want to het all the options of some group and make a JSON object to use it at front end to render, disable and so on different parts of UI and buttons.
I have tried something like this:
public static String newSubmissionConfig(){
public static String newSubmissionConfig(){
NewSubmissionConfig con = new NewSubmissionConfig();
List<NewSubmissionConfigOption> optList = new List<NewSubmissionConfigOption> ();
List<FH_List_of_values__C> options = [select Name__c, isActive__c, isRequired__c from options__C where group__c = 'NEW_SUB_CONF'];
for (options__C opt:options){
NewSubmissionConfigOption option = new NewSubmissionConfigOption();
NewSubmissionConfigOptions o = new NewSubmissionConfigOptions();
option.name = opt.Name__c;
o.isActive = opt.isActive__c;
o.isRequired = opt.isRequired__c;
option.NewSubmissionConfigOptions = o;
con.newSubmissionConfigOption = optList;
return JSON.serialize(optList);
public class NewSubmissionConfig {
List<NewSubmissionConfigOption> newSubmissionConfigOption {get;set;}
public class NewSubmissionConfigOption {
public String name {get;set;}
public NewSubmissionConfigOptions newSubmissionConfigOptions {get;set;}
public class NewSubmissionConfigOptions{
public Boolean isActive {get;set;}
public Boolean isRequired {get;set;}
As expected I get object in the following format Array with Arrays inside:
name: option1, newSubmissionConfigOptions [isActive: true, isReuired: true]
name: option2, newSubmissionConfigOptions [isActive: true, isReuired: true]
but what I need is just one object:
config: {option1: {isActive: true, isRequired: true},
option2: {isActive: true, isRequired: true}}
So I can access this config like: config.option1.isActive
Now I'm converting this JSON to proper format in JavaScript, but would be nice to get proper object directly from backend.
option1, option2... is Name__c field from my config custom object. Is there are any way to create such JSON objects right in APEX code?