You have to parse the string as a date using Date.valueOf()
to make it a date before you can assign it to a date field.
I would use SobjecType.getDescribe().fields.getMap()
to get a list of fields, loop over them to find the field currently being worked, check whether or not it's a date field, and then parse accordingly.
UPDATE with example:
I would change this:
for(Integer j=0;j<headerValues.size();j++){
sObj.put(headerValues[j],String.ValueOf(inputvalues[j])) ;
to something like this:
Map<String,Schema.SObjectField> fields = sobj.SObjectType.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
for(Integer j=0;j<headerValues.size();j++){
Schema.DescribeFieldResult currentField = fields.get(headerValues[j]).getDescribe();
if(currentField.getType() == Schema.DisplayType.Date){
sObj.put(headerValues[j],String.ValueOf(Date.parse(inputvalues[j]))) ;
} else {
sObj.put(headerValues[j],String.ValueOf(inputvalues[j])) ;