I haveneed to update the Value inset a field in Orderon the Order
object using field update in workflow Rule
Updated fielda Workflow Field Update
, and the updated value should be formatted as follows:
Account JDE Shipto number- YYMMDDHHmmSS
like this format
<Account JDE Ship to number> - YYMMDDHHmmSS
for that i am using Formula field editorI have tried to populate the Valuefollowing formula:
Account.JDE_ship_to_account_no__c - DATETIMEVALUE()
But the formula editor gives me this error:
Error: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'DATETIMEVALUE()'.` Expected 1, received 0
but it is showing error, what i have to give in the Datetimevalue(expression) please anyone guide me for the Answer
How can I make this field update work?