I have batch apex which updates Lead owner name,processing processing a huge number of records. Batch apex stops processing batches after some number of records are processed and finishes unexpectedly and shows Apex Job status = Completed. No error is reported, no exception is thrown. I check debug logs to see the value in count variable is less than what is expected. Here is what I am trying to do.
Public class MassUpdateOwner implements Database.Batchable,Database.Stateful
private Integer callCount = 0;
Public ID targetUserId; //used to capture new User ID
Public MassUpdateOwner (String ownerUsername)
User u = [select Id from User where Username = new user name limit 1];
TargetUserId = u.Id;
Public Database.QueryLocator START(Database.BatchableContext ctx)
Return Database.getQueryLocator([select OwnerId from Lead]);
Public void EXECUTE(Database.BatchableContext ctx, List scope)
List leads = (List) scope;
For (Lead l: leads)
l.OwnerId = targetUserId;
Public void finish (Database.BatchableContext ctx)
// Send an email or something
Id batch Job Id = Database.executeBatch(new MassUpdateOwner(), 1);
Public class MassUpdateOwner implements Database.Batchable<SObject>,Database.Stateful
private Integer callCount = 0;
Public ID targetUserId; //used to capture new User ID
Public MassUpdateOwner (String ownerUsername)
User u = [select Id from User where Username = new user name limit 1];
TargetUserId = u.Id;
Public Database.QueryLocator START(Database.BatchableContext ctx)
Return Database.getQueryLocator([select OwnerId from Lead]);
Public void EXECUTE(Database.BatchableContext ctx, List<Lead> scope)
List<Lead> leads = (List<Lead>) scope;
For (Lead l: leads)
l.OwnerId = targetUserId;
Public void finish (Database.BatchableContext ctx)
// Send an email or something
Id batch Job Id = Database.executeBatch(new MassUpdateOwner(), 1);
My question is should I run the batch apex again? Pls let me know.