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You can't reliably use LTA, RTA, or ETA fields (Long, Rich, Encrypted) in formulas, but you can in Apex Code. My solution would be simply:

trigger CheckWorkCount on SObject (before insert, before update) {
    for(SObject record: {
        Integer count;
        if(record.RTA__c != null && (count = record.RTA__c
            .normalizeSpace() // Don't count duplicate spaces
            .stripHtmlTags() // Remove all HTML
            .replaceAll('\\S','') // Remove all non-spaces
            .length()) > 99) { // More than 99 spaces is more than 100 words
            record.RTA__c.addError('Please limit your input to 100 words or less. You currently have '+count+' words.');

I don't know of a non-code way of doing this, unfortunately.

If you want to store the count in another field, you can do that as well.

You can't reliably use LTA, RTA, or ETA fields (Long, Rich, Encrypted) in formulas, but you can in Apex Code. My solution would be simply:

trigger CheckWorkCount on SObject (before insert, before update) {
    for(SObject record: {
        Integer count;
        if(record.RTA__c != null && (count = record.RTA__c
            .normalizeSpace() // Don't count duplicate spaces
            .stripHtmlTags() // Remove all HTML
            .replaceAll('\\S','') // Remove all non-spaces
            .length()) > 99) { // More than 99 spaces is more than 100 words
            record.RTA__c.addError('Please limit your input to 100 words or less. You currently have '+count+' words.');

I don't know of a non-code way of doing this, unfortunately.

You can't reliably use LTA, RTA, or ETA fields (Long, Rich, Encrypted) in formulas, but you can in Apex Code. My solution would be simply:

trigger CheckWorkCount on SObject (before insert, before update) {
    for(SObject record: {
        Integer count;
        if(record.RTA__c != null && (count = record.RTA__c
            .normalizeSpace() // Don't count duplicate spaces
            .stripHtmlTags() // Remove all HTML
            .replaceAll('\\S','') // Remove all non-spaces
            .length()) > 99) { // More than 99 spaces is more than 100 words
            record.RTA__c.addError('Please limit your input to 100 words or less. You currently have '+count+' words.');

I don't know of a non-code way of doing this, unfortunately.

If you want to store the count in another field, you can do that as well.

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You can't reliably use LTA, RTA, or ETA fields (Long, Rich, Encrypted) in formulas, but you can in Apex Code. My solution would be simply:

trigger CheckWorkCount on SObject (before insert, before update) {
    for(SObject record: {
        Integer count;
        if(record.RTA__c != null && (count = record.RTA__c
            .normalizeSpace() // Don't count duplicate spaces
            .stripHtmlTags() // Remove all HTML
            .replaceAll('\\S','') // Remove all non-spaces
            .length()) > 99) { // More than 99 spaces is more than 100 words
            record.RTA__c.addError('Please limit your input to 100 words or less. You currently have '+count+' words.');

I don't know of a non-code way of doing this, unfortunately.