You are attempting to access a list as if it is an sObject, you need to iterate over the list to first access the sObjects.
Replacing the EventRelation query and the loop, I assume this isFrom your example it's a bit hard to understand what you wantare trying to achieve:, so you may have to figure out the rest yourself.
Map<ID, EventRelation> erMap = new Map<ID, EventRelation>([SELECT Id,response,status FROM EventRelation WHERE Id IN :iMap.keySet()]);
for(Informe_icex__c i : jobMap.values()) {
EventRelation er = erMap.get(i.Id);
if(er != null) {
i.Comentarios_Invitados__c = er.response;
i.Estado_Invitado__c = er.status;
Also, you can't give the update statement a map. You can however just call values() which returns the list of values from a map.
update iMap.values();