I'm trying to get code coverage on my class to no avail. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure there is a better way to write my class but just trying to get the end user his request at this point. I've spent a couple of days fiddling with this and tried Googling many resources.
Here is my Class
global with sharing class BusinessIntelligenceFeedback {
public String BusIntId{get;set;}
public Business_Intelligence_Survey__c bif { get { if (bif == null) bif = new Business_Intelligence_Survey__c( Business_Intelligence__c = BusIntId, Survey_Results__c = 'Yes' ); return bif; } set; }
// save button is clicked public PageReference save() {
global with sharing class BusinessIntelligenceFeedback {
public String BusIntId{get;set;}
public Business_Intelligence_Survey__c bif {
get {
if (bif == null)
bif = new Business_Intelligence_Survey__c(
Business_Intelligence__c = BusIntId,
Survey_Results__c = 'Yes'
return bif;
// save button is clicked
public PageReference save() {
try {
insert bif; // inserts the new record into the database
} catch (DMLException e) {
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Error creating new bif.'));
return null;
// if successfully inserted new BISurvey, then displays the thank you page.
return Page.BusinessIntelligence_Create_Thankyou;
Here is my Test Class
private class TestBusinessIntelligenceFeedback { static testMethod void testMe(){
Business_Intelligence_Survey__c bif = new Business_Intelligence_Survey__c(); bif.Business_Intelligence__c = 'a24U00000005kkL'; bif.Survey_Results__c = 'Yes'; insert bif;
private class TestBusinessIntelligenceFeedback {
static testMethod void testMe(){
Business_Intelligence_Survey__c bif = new Business_Intelligence_Survey__c();
bif.Business_Intelligence__c = 'a24U00000005kkL';
bif.Survey_Results__c = 'Yes';
insert bif;
Business_Intelligence_Survey__c testbif = [select Id, Survey_Results__c, name from Business_Intelligence_Survey__c where id =:bif.Id];
System.debug('Status on ticket after trigger fired: ' + bif.Survey_Results__c);
// Test that the trigger correctly updated the survey
System.assertEquals('Yes', bif.Survey_Results__c);