You just forgotten to declare the variable zipFile, change the line
zipFile = new JSZip();
to this line:
var zipFile = new JSZip();
also I will recommend you to use the Salesforce Lightning CLI to check this kind of issues, its a heroku command line tool that check for this errors.
Follow this steps to install Salesforce Lightning CLI:
UPDATE: In my personal org I tested the code you provided with a few modifications in an aura application and it worked fine. Here is the code:
<aura:application >
<ltng:require scripts="/resource/jszip/jszip.min.js" afterScriptsLoaded="{!c.onPress}"/>
Js controller:
onPress : function(component) {
var packageXml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
'<Package xmlns="">' +
'<version>35.0</version>' +
'</Package>' ;
var zipFile = new JSZip();
zipFile.file('package.xml',packageXml,{base64: 'true'});
var data = zipFile.generateAsync();
I downloaded the last version (3.0.0) of jszip from their site and had the issue that the method generate() is deprecated, so I changed it to generateAsync() as is suggested in the upgrade guide.