howHow to create the Account sharingrulesharing rule to customer portal user. iI give Default Access for 1.Account is "Private" 2. Contact is "Control by Parent"
i create the Account sharingrule rule type is Based on criteria. selete the Select the users to share with Public Groups to "All Customer Portal Users" Select the level of access for the users *Default Account, Contract and Asset Access" Read/Write.
- I create the Account sharing rule rule type is Based on criteria.
- Select the users to share with Public Groups to "All Customer Portal Users"
- Select the level of access for the users *Default Account, Contract and Asset Access" Read/Write.
butBut still iI am do not get the Account records for Customer portal user. iI don't want portal user see the all contactcontacta, so iI give Default Access for Account is Priavte this is Required.the minimum access to the account.
howHow to solve the sharing rule problem pls any help..
Thanks Kittuissue?