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java != javascript
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Someone else can probably help with the VF page, but to meet your minimum requirement we can avoid javajavascript all together and just use a custom button like below:

/{!Opportunity.Id}/e?clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Opportunity.Id} and add &customField.Id=Value for each field you want pre-populated.

enter image description here

Someone else can probably help with the VF page, but to meet your minimum requirement we can avoid java all together and just use a custom button like below:

/{!Opportunity.Id}/e?clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Opportunity.Id} and add &customField.Id=Value for each field you want pre-populated.

enter image description here

Someone else can probably help with the VF page, but to meet your minimum requirement we can avoid javascript all together and just use a custom button like below:

/{!Opportunity.Id}/e?clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Opportunity.Id} and add &customField.Id=Value for each field you want pre-populated.

enter image description here

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Someone else can probably help with the VF page, but to meet your minimum requirement we can avoid java all together and just use a custom button like below:

/{!Opportunity.Id}/e?clone=1&retURL=%2F{!Opportunity.Id} and add &customField.Id=Value for each field you want pre-populated.

enter image description here