I wrote a test class for my batchable class. It works great but I want to limit the query of the test class only to the test object I have created.
So I have this inside my test method:
String query = 'SELECT Id, Name, ShipmentQuantity__c, CurrentQuantity__c FROM Stock__c WHERE Id =: ' + testStock.Id;
And then my test.StartTest():
Database.executeBatch(new IndependentBatch(query));
The error I get is "System.QueryException: Variable does not exist: a0236000001bOXdAAM".
"System.QueryException: Variable does not exist: a0236000001bOXdAAM".
Obviously it sees the ID but I don't understand what the error means. If I erase the Where Id =: ' + testStock.Id;Where Id =: ' + testStock.Id;
the test runs like a charm.