I have a multiselect picklist called transport. I need to render two other picklistpicklists depending on the value selected in multislelect picklist 'Transport'.
I am using following code to render that otherthose two picklistpicklists :
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!opp.Optional_Transport__c.contains('Train')}" >
but theBut above line through following error" Unknown function opp.Optional_Addenda__c.contains. Check spelling. "error :
Unknown function opp.Optional_Addenda__c.contains. Check spelling.
I have also tried using this way but that againit gives another error :
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!IF(CONTAINS({!opp.Optional_Transport__c}, "Train "),True, False)}" >
Error "Element type "apex:outputPanel" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>"."
Error "Element type "apex:outputPanel" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>"."
Can someone please help me if you know what to do for Multiselect list in this case?