So there are 3 case records types: A, B, and C.

A and C cases both have lookups to B cases, but otherwise have no direct relationship.

I need to display a VF list of A cases where each row can be expanded to display all of the C cases that also point to the same B cases.

Here's a basic visual representation

A1 -> B1 <- C1, C2, C3
A2 -> B2 <- C4, C5, C6
A3 -> B3 <- C7, C8, C9

So, I should see a list of A cases, and each entry can be expanded to display "related" C cases.

I've played around with maps and inner selects, but I am utterly stumped.

  • Do you want help with the queries? or how to store the values so they can be accessed by the visualforce page?
    – navD87
    Jul 1, 2015 at 16:52
  • edit: I misunderstood your question. I'm looking for help with both aspects.
    – David
    Jul 1, 2015 at 17:04

2 Answers 2


More step by step than navD87's approach:

public with sharing class MyController {

    public class CaseWrapper {
        public Case a {get; set;}
        public Case[] cs {get; set;}
        CaseWrapper(Case a) {
            this.a = a;

    public CaseWrapper[] getWrappers() {

        Set<Id> bIds = new Set<Id>();
        CaseWrapper[] wrappers = new CaseWrapper[] {};

        // Query the A Cases
        for (Case a: [
                select Name, CaseB__c
                from Case
                where RecordType.Name = 'A'
                and CaseB__c != null
                and ...
                order by Name
                ]) {
            wrappers.add(new CaseWrapper(a));

        // Query the B and C Cases
        Map<Id, Case> bs = new Map<Id, Case>([
                select Id, (
                        select Name
                        from CaseCRelationshipName__r
                        where RecordType.Name = 'C'
                        order by Name
                from Case
                where RecordType.Name = 'B'
                and Id in :bIds

        // Add the C Cases to the wrapper
        for (CaseWrapper w : wrappers) {
            Case b = bs.get(w.a.CaseB__c);
            if (b != null) w.cs = b.CaseCRelationshipName__r;
            else ws.cs = new Case[] {};

        return wrappers;

with the Visualforce (without any expand collapse fancyness):

<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrappers}" var="wrapper">
    <apex:column value="{!wrapper.a.Name}"/>
        <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!wrapper.cs}" var="c">
            <apex:column value="{!c.Name}"/>
  • Noticed a typo : bIds.add(c.CaseB__c) should be bIds.add(a.CaseB__c)
    – navD87
    Jul 1, 2015 at 18:42
  • @navD87 Thanks I'll fix. Probably some others in there too...
    – Keith C
    Jul 1, 2015 at 18:44
  • // Query the B and C Cases Map<Id, Case> bs = new Map<Id, Case>( select ..... Error: Expecting right parentheses, found 'select'
    – David
    Jul 1, 2015 at 20:32
  • @David I forgot the square brackets - added now.
    – Keith C
    Jul 1, 2015 at 20:42
  • @KeithC Thanks! I just got your class to save, and I'll be testing it out over the next few minutes. Thank you SO much for helping me so far, and I'll be checking in to confirm this solution after I test it out.
    – David
    Jul 1, 2015 at 21:01

You can query out all A and C cases at once, assuming you need to display all As with related Cs on the Visualforce page.

List<Case> allCases = [SELECT Id, RecordType.Name, B_Case_lookup FROM Case WHERE RecordType.Name == 'A' OR RecordType.Name == 'C'];
List<Case> Acases = new List<Case>();
Map<Id, List<Case>> cCasesBybCaseIds = new Map<Id, List<Case>>();    

//Get all the B lookup Ids from the A records
for(Case case : allCases) {
    if(case.RecordType.Name == A) {
    } else if(case.RecordType.Name == C && case.B_Case_lookup != null) {
        if(cCasesBybCaseIds.containsKey(case.B_Case_lookup)) {
        } else {
            cCasesBybCaseIds.put(case.B_Case_lookup, new List<Case>{case});

You can further relate As to Cs directly by creating a map that maps A Case Ids to a list of C cases.

Map<Id, List<Case>> cCasesByACaseIds = new Map<Id, List<Case>>();
for(Case case : Acases) {
    if(cCasesBybCaseIds.containsKey(case.B_Case_lookup)) {
        cCasesByACaseIds.put(case.Id, cCasesBybCaseIds.get(case.B_Case_lookup));

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