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Results for highcharts lightning
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2 votes
2 answers

Error #16 loading Highcharts with Lightning Components

I have a Salesforce Lightning customer community and I have several lightning components with different charts and maps using Highcharts and the map.js module. I have the following code. … As you can see I am requiring the same Highcharts for both components but the error is still there. I guess it is related to Lightning creating one instance of a static resource. …
David Carnicer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Highcharts flagged as 'Invalid SecureWindow API' in Lightning CLI

I am using HighCharts for drawing some reports in Lightning Component. HighCharts is loaded from static resource and all expected functionalities are working fine with Locker Service ON. … As a preparation for security review when the code is scanned with Lightning CLI, Highcharts initialization in code is flagged as 'Invalid SecureWindow API'. …
Pintu Francis's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Highcharts treemap is not displayed properly in lightning component

Highcharts In jsfiddle: Same code In Lightning Component displayed like this (Not showing borders): When drilled down to another level, it is displayed like this (Not … showing different colors for different blocks): I am using highcharts version 5.0.7 and same version for treemap. …
nilesh_ramteke's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Highcharts full width issue in Lightning Salesforce1 app after locker service is enabled

I am having problem to set the highcharts to complete width of the parent div container in Salesforce1 Lightning app when locker service is enabled. … I haven't given any specific width in the highcharts configuration, but only to the parent div comprising the highcharts. But the highcharts is not being rendered as full width of the container. …
SE_User's user avatar
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3 votes
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Highcharts rendering issue in Lightning Component with LockerService enabled

In my Summer '16 organization, I have built a Lightning Component that uses Highcharts to display simple gauge chart. … :#333333;fill:#333333;" y="20"/> </g> <text x="390" text-anchor="end" style="cursor:pointer;color:#909090;font-size:9px;fill:#909090;" y="295"></text> </svg> However, in the Lightning
J Cherry's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Highcharts not working in iOS devices inside Lightning Framework in Salesforce1 app

I'm using Highcharts to represent some data inside Lightning framework in the Salesforce1 app. But the graph is not at all being displayed in iOS devices. (used strict mode). … Also, while tetsing in the browser simulator (here, I'm using Chrome, its coming, but when you open the same on device, it's not coming at all) Can anyone who has worked on Highcharts in Lightning framework …
SE_User's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

HIghcharts error #16 while changing Salesforce1 tab

I am using highcharts in my salesforce lightning components. There are two Salesforce1 tabs in which both contains lightning components which uses highchart to draw charts. … The error mentions about highcharts error #16. …
Junaid P Khader's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Highcharts not being rendered in Microsoft Edge browser | Lightning component

I'm facing an issue where Highcharts report is not being loaded when opened using Microsoft edge browser. It's loading fine when opened using Google Chrome. … component, helper); }, rerender: function(component, helper) { this.superRerender(); helper.drawChart(component, helper); } }) I'm using jQuery version 2.2.4 and Highcharts
SE_User's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Highcharts error in a community

I have made a lightning component which includes a chart rendered by Highcharts. This component works when previewing the app. … However, when the component is placed on a employee community page using the community builder, I get Highcharts Error #13 (Rendering div not found) on page load. …
nicstella's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Highcharts is not displayed in lightning

Component1 : Dashboard <div class="slds-grid"> <div class="slds-p-horizontal--small slds-size--1-of-1"> <div class="slds-box slds-box--small slds-theme--shade slds-text-align--center noB …
nilesh_ramteke's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Highcharts chart not rendering if LockerService is enabled

I am trying to create a home page showing multiple charts using Lightning component and Highcharts as charting library. The charts are rendered fine if I deactivate the LockerService. … I am using Highcharts version 4.2.3 Sample code @doug I also tried running the example mentioned at this link Error #16 loading Highcharts with Lightning Components A chart is rendered but x-axis categories …
Ashish Narkhede's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Salesforce lightning component with Highchart

My requirement is to rebuild apps in Lightning component.Currently in existing apps , we have charts developed using Highchart.So anyone know if Lightning can be integrate with Highchart? …
unidha's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can't use Highcharts in LWC

Here is how my js file in lwc looks like: import { LightningElement } from "lwc"; import { loadScript} from "lightning/platformResourceLoader"; import jqeuryUI from "@salesforce/resourceUrl/jquery_ui … _1_12_1"; import jquery from "@salesforce/resourceUrl/jquery_2_2_4"; import Highcharts from "@salesforce/resourceUrl/highcharts"; export default class CDP_trial extends LightningElement { renderedCallback …
Paul Chuang's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Highcharts Scatter chart issue while exporting as JPEG and PNG

Error popover displayed when user tries to export (offline exporting) highcharts scatter chart as JPEG or PNG format inside Lightning components. …
Junaid P Khader's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Mutiple HighchartsV5 components not rendering when Locker Service is active (error 16)

But the old Highcharts error 16 issue still persists when we try to load multiple Highcharts components. … Details of the unmanaged package:- There are three main Lightning components viz. Test, firstChart and secondChart. firstChart and secondchart component comprises of Highcharts. …
SE_User's user avatar
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