Questions tagged [nforce]

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1 answer

Error when trying to Update using nforce to Product2 object

I am trying to update a custom field on the Product2 object, namely S3_Image__c - it is a URL field, linking to an image on AWS S3. Now, I've basically lifted the code from the examples given on the ...
Scott Harrison's user avatar
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Unable to connect send platform events to Salesforce

Good morning, I'm trying to send Platform Events to salesforce using a Platform app from Azure and I'm receiving that everything it's ok but no other log and not a single platform event was created. ...
David's user avatar
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1 answer

nforce org.getUrl(url,cb) - value of url

I have a Node app running on heroku where I am using the nforce lib. I received { Error: Could not find a match for URL error.} while using org.getUrl from nforce library. For the url string, I have ...
Karan Madhwani's user avatar
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2 answers

Error attempting to use Streaming Api to query PushTopic

When I run my program using nForce to connect to the client I get this error... 400::The replayId for channel {/topic/mypushtopic} wasn't found using the " + 'provided replay ID map {{}}. ...
user71532's user avatar
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1 answer

Subscriptions not seen in Salesforce platform events

I am trying to subscribe to Salesforce Platform Events in my Developer Edition through AWS Lambda via Connected App(Using nforce SDK). Code is as follows: var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); //Importing ...
Sudarshan's user avatar
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1 answer

React.js GraphQL web app returning random null values

I'm working on a React.js web app that leverages GraphQL for accessing a combination of varying endpoints, including our org's SF data. My only issue is isolated to my Salesforce progress. In general, ...
SeanDev's user avatar
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2 answers

How does nforce store query responses

I was trying to play around with this nforce demo but I'm having trouble figuring out how to reference data I get back from queries. The following appears to query for info that gets displayed on the ...
Jezza's user avatar
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2 answers

Error in creating Customer Community User

I am trying to create a community user programmatically using the nforce node.js wrapper library. I'm running this as sysadmin privilege. This is what I am using: var user = nforce.createSObject('...
Dewei Chen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Username/Password Auth flow using nforce with nodejs not working after Spring `16 upgrade

We have an app that is designed to run on a Heroku server that is creating new records in salesforce and also listening to streaming API topics to update our other datastore with changes in those ...
Matt Bush's user avatar
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1 answer

Detecting a change in Attachments for Cases using Streaming API

I'm not sure if what I am doing is possible but I would like to find out. I am connecting to my sandbox environment through the Streaming API (and Oauth2) using a Nodejs server and the ...
Awesome_Punch's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Node.js app with NForce; retrieving records from salesforce on startup

I am attempting to modify this code: So that as well as setting up the streaming, on startup it also performs a query to ...
logeyg's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Create Community User through REST API

I am using the nForce library with node.js. Everything seems to be right and we perform CRUD on the Case object. However when we try to create a User using an external account with "Delegated ...
Oscar Tang's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Get Custom Labels via API

What is the easiest way to get a custom label from outside the platform (eg: node js or other app)? I'm using nforce, but surprisingly don't see any api methods to get custom labels.
NSjonas's user avatar
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