I've got a method that redirects to another page. It does work this way:

public PageReference redirectToSetup() {
  return Page.SetupPage;

and this way:

public PageReference redirectToSetup() {
  PageReference page = new PageReference('/apex/SetupPage');
  return page;

but not his way:

public PageReference redirectToSetup() {
  PageReference page = Page.SetupPage;
  return page;

I'me getting the following error when trying to save it:

Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: Page.SetupPage

What am I doing wrong? Documentation here is using the same pattern, isn't it?

1 Answer 1


Change it to:

public PageReference redirectToSetup() {
  PageReference pageRef = Page.SetupPage;
  return pageRef;

Apex is case insensitive.

  • d'oh! totally forgot about it. thanks heaps! (it works:)
    – user39399
    Jun 17, 2015 at 11:20

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