I have an APEX page with a few fields and some buttons. Initially, the first field (a lookup field) is the only one that is shown. I would like to be able to show the other fields once the user has selected a value from the lookup window.

Currently, I am using rendered={!isFieldSet == true} in the fields I want to hide until later, but I am unable to update this value and get the fields to appear. I am currently using a javascript onchange method to call the controller method to set the isFieldSet value. But when I examine the property from javascript, it does not see the change to the isFieldSet, I guess because the page has not been reloaded? I am wondering what the standard way to get this sort of thing to work is. Currently I am trying to reload the page using url arguments, but the lookup field value is not coming through to the backend.

Here is some code for reference.

    <apex:inputField value="{!objectReference.propertyName}" required="true" onchange="actionpropertyValueChanged();">

Here is the code for hiding a section:

    <apex:pageBlockSectionItem rendered="{!isFieldSet == true}" id="daySelectorBlock">
  • There a two things that you might have missed 1)In your Action function or Action Support use Rerender attribute to rerender the Pageblock 2)The boolean must be a getter and setter and you must set the boolean in the controller method . Dec 3, 2012 at 2:48

1 Answer 1


apex:actionSupport can be used to rerender a component via AJAX when a change is made to the inputField.

<apex:actionStatus startText="Wait." stopText="" id="inputFieldActionStatus"/>
<apex:inputField value="{!objectReference.propertyName}" required="true" >
     <apex:actionSupport action="{!someControllerMethod}" status="inputFieldActionStatus" 
         event="onclick" rerender="daySelectorBlock">
         // You might want an apex:Param here to pass the inputField value back via ajax

<apex:pageBlockSectionItem rendered="{!isFieldSet}" id="daySelectorBlock">

After the AJAX call to the server the pageBlockSectionItem should render if isFieldSet is set to true via the method someControllerMethod.

  • Super. That has done the trick. I had actually tried to add something like that, but I used actionFunction instead of actionSupport... Thanks!
    – lindon fox
    Dec 3, 2012 at 2:52
  • 3
    Just to caveat one thing - if the daySelectorBlock wasn't rendered when the page was originally displayed, then a rerender of it will have no effect. You need to wrap this inside a component that is always rendered and then rerender that. This is explained better at: bobbuzzard.blogspot.co.uk/2011/02/… Dec 3, 2012 at 9:13

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