Trying to figure out how to stop a button blinking, having applied the sforce.console.blinkCustomConsoleComponentButtonText method to it.

Any suggestions ? I have tried applying a zero second blink interval which errors out - requires something greater than zero. Nothing in the docs that stood out to me.

Any assistance most appreciated.

Regards CH

  • did you get answer for this? I am also looking forward for its solution. Thanks Feb 3, 2015 at 13:59
  • No never sorted it sorry Feb 3, 2015 at 21:52

2 Answers 2


There's another (although undocumented) solution to this: sforce.console.removeBlinkCustomConsoleComponentButtonText() (no arguments required)

This actually disables the blinking of the button text (whereas using blinkCustomConsoleComponentButtonText with the same text as the original button, still causes the button element to change periodically - just with the same caption over and over).


We can stop blinking if we give same text as the button text in alternate text parameter in blinkCustomConsoleComponentButtonText method

eg: Suppose if the Button text is 'Contact Alerts'. if we call sforce.console.blinkCustomConsoleComponentButtonText('HI', 10, callbackfunction).

It will start blinking.

Now if we give same aternate text as button text like sforce.console.blinkCustomConsoleComponentButtonText('Contact Alerts', 10, callbackfunction).

It will stop blinking.


  • Well there you go! Be nice if toolkit had something more formal but this will do nicely! Once I test I will tick as answer. Cheers! Feb 6, 2015 at 10:51

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